I am currently an Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery at PCOM, Philadelphia PA. I actively engage in the training of plastic surgery fellows, general surgery residents and current medical students. We discuss surgical care of patients that have been diagnosed with cancer and I also lecture as part of the surgical core curriculum.
I am a member of the Oncoplastic Committee for the American Society of Breast Surgeons. We teach two levels of oncoplastic courses to attending breast surgeons and are working on creating a certification that they will be able to achieve once meeting specific requirements.
I myself went back to school in 2019 and received my Masters in Health Care Management (MHCM) from the Harvard School of Public Health. This was an amazing two-year experience, during which I was introduced to engaging teachers and an extraordinary group of people in my cohort. These individuals, which I now call friends, are healthcare leaders from institutions all over the country and the world. This was a life changing experience for me and now allows me to look at healthcare with different lenses.
Dr. Beth DuPree and I have been hosting a breast fellow’s course each year, for the last 8 years. We have put together a curriculum of topics that we feel are not being covered substantially during these resident’s fellowship year, but are extremely important to new surgeons. We discuss community involvement, dietary and lifestyle modifications, cancer survivorship, delivering bad news, intimacy after a cancer diagnosis, fertility issues and physician burnout.
I was given the opportunity to put together and then film short videos for the general surgery department at UCLA, in order to help prepare their residents for the in-service exams that they take each year. This included basics in wound healing (HBO, skin grafting, enzymatic debridement) as well as breast cancer care.